Thursday, December 9, 2010

Looks like NH Jurors might be able to declare Shenanigans

Although many don't know, and it isn't specifically mentioned in Federal and all State constitutions, it is mentioned in other Common Law literature.
What I'm talking about is 'Jury Nullification'.
It's the option for a Jury to declare a person innocent on charged based on the opinion that a law/laws are not fair.  Most states/court system over the years have repealed notification of this option for jurors.  Jurors are typically presented with the dialogue to judge a case base on evidence and facts.  Juries are unaware that they have rights beyond this.  But, this notification has been silenced in the past by many states and/or courts.
It looks like NH might be actually including even more punctual wording in their Jury education disclosures in the future:
Yay, NH Jurors (even though they indirectly knew before), are straight out told that 'Declaring Shenanigans on the Law' is an option.

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